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Stories are what make us who we are. We have been telling stories for generations. We all have stories. Wether they happened or didn't or will or won't, stories are forever, ever changing, for all cultures. we have myths, sacred stories, fables, legends, folklore, and of course our own experiences. We sing songs to tell stories. we play drums and flutes to tell stories. we dance to tell stories. We sculpt to tell stories, and we paint and write. Here is a collection of stories my friends and I have written.

the woman and the lilac A short story about finding others like yourself written by sean

worlds This is my new web-serial! Most recent update on April 12, 2023. let me know if you like it!

toki pona taso stories

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waso fable by lipamanka about where waso comes from and why waso li mu

kon pan a traditional jewish story I grew up with told from memory in toki pona